The students desire to advance in leaderboards and to receive visual acknowledgment of their progress propels them to engage further in classroom activities.
學生想要提昇自己在排行榜中的地位,並且得到自己學習進程的視覺化認證,足令他們更投入課堂中的活動。原文:KEVIN SHANE. July 18, 2013. LINK
Ever since the concept of gamification was introduced to various industries in 2010, more than 350 companies have started their own gamification projects. Renowned brands such as NBC, Ford, eBay, MLB, and Adobe...
自從遊戲化的概念在2010年被引入各種產業中後,超過350間公司開始了自己的遊戲化企劃。其中知名的品牌如:NBC, Ford, eBay, Mlb, Adobe等...
“It turns out video games are just a Trojan horse for studying interest-driven learning”
Aristotle believed there were two basic types of intelligence: theoretical wisdom and practical wisdom. Praxis is something that can give us both.